Wednesday 9 May 2012

Confidence workshop days 2 & 3

Tana (Tariqa Tiana) arrived safe, and she is beautiful! 

My daughters loved her on sight, and Olivia decided to feed her apple and grass she picked especially.


After two days on a she was in great condition (thankyou Rudds).  She unloaded well, but backed out, as if in a float.  I walked her up the step drive way, and into the arena where the clinic was gong on.  She was very alert, but not fretting or too worried.  I led her around the arena on both sides, walking and trotting, and she responded well to front and rear quarter turns.  My riding instructor had the first ride, to make sure all was well.  We decided that she had some western training as well as parelli, due to the position she was used to having the reins in. I hopped on for a short 20 minute ride, and she responded to leg aides so well. 


As a getting back into riding rider, I am still building up confidence with the trot, but I did try a little one. I think I might try a stock saddle soon, rather than an all-purpose, to give me a bit more security.  I like to think that with every hour I ride I am getting better, and fitter.  I am certainly feeling great – sore but great. And also motivated to eat healthier and drink less red wine (a bit of a necessity if you want to stay sane with five children!)

Yesterday we had a special guest at the clinic, Nina - and her pony Fatty – who is a clicker training teacher.  The things she could get that pony to do, all with treats and no force, were amazing.  Standing on a box and spinning around, laying on a beanbag, throwing a hat, sitting down and singing – the list goes on……how cute is this?




So a great weekend, I have my first horse at the age of 42, and I am so exhausted I have to go to bed before 9.30.


Deb xx

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